An oil city with a modern edge, Fergana guides from tourHQ can help reveal their multicultural, green and curiously Soviet-flavored town to travelers. A must on the Uzbek bucket list!
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Hi there! I am Amin, your local guide and tour operator specializing in fully organized tours ...
I followed a double training of tour operating and guide from the Ministry of Tourism and pass the ...
My name is Feruz and I live in Samarkand.I will be happy to follow you during your trip in ...
Hi, I am a local guide in Uzbekistan and have been working in sphere of tourism for more than 12 ...
I am an experienced guide in Uzbekistan . I will prepare plans for all cities such as: ...
Hi, I am a local tour guide in Samarkand and I have experience for a year. I can provide walking ...
Greatings from Central Asia, I am from Uzbekistan I have been working in the tourism sphere for 6 ...
My name is Abdulla zuvaydullayev I have guided in Uzbekistan since 2018 I am certified guide and ...
I’m Jamshid, a dedicated tour guide with a focus on Uzbekistan. With more than two years of ...
I am working as French, English and Russian speaking guide in Uzbekistan from 2009. I can ...
Biografía Profesional (castellano)Soy experto en turismo premium en Uzbekistán, con 15 años de ...
Bienvenue en Ouzbekistan. Je suis guide en Ouzbékistan. Je serai tres content de vous voir ...
I live In Kokand and it is my hometown. I know much about its history and cultural ...
I'm working like Spanish speaking guide in Uzbekistan from 2007. I can organize, help with ...
A fine alternative to the Uzbek capital, and home to inhabitants that display a fascinating cocktail of Soviet, Korean and Tartar ethnicities, Fergana is one of the youngest cities in the country. Russian is the language that echoes through this city’s cafes and parks though; weaving between the leafy boughs of its many wide boulevards and city gardens. Primarily an industrial city known for its oil production, Fergana also holds the mantle as the administrative centre of its surrounding eponymous valley, the latter being the cotton and breadbasket of the country. Fergana tour guides today champion their city’s cosmopolitan feel, as modern high rises make their way up and around the likes of the gorgeous Regional Theatre of the late 19th century and the Gate of Independence that was built short after the country’s freedom from the Russian yoke. They further look to the greater Fergana Valley for the pulls, where winding hiking trails and breath-taking vistas lead to mineral springs and vineyards in the foothills of the Alai range.
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