Set deep in the heartlands of central Africa, between the undulating ridges of schist and quartzite that form their eponymous mountains, and amidst dense expanses of primeval rainforest (some of the most diverse in the world), the hinterlands of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park have not only weathered Ice Ages and deforestation on a global scale, but can also only be accessed by foot! Names have never been more apt.
Crowned by UNESCO in recent times for its population of the uber-rare mountain gorilla (an inhabitant Bwindi shares with the famous Virunga National Park across the border), visitors come here to enjoy one of the wildest safari experiences on the continent. This is a place where red-tailed primates swing from vines, the calls of chimpanzees echo across the forest floor and prowling jackals linger in the thickets. What’s more, recent efforts to champion ecotourism in the region mean the availability of experienced Bwindi Impenetrable National Park tour guides, who run expeditions to the gorilla stomping grounds of Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga and Nkuringo, stopping off at waterfalls and bird watching lodges along the way.
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