Best National Parks To Visit In Sri Lanka
Besides, Sri Lanka is popular as the simplest place in the world to spot the hitherto elusive blue whale that is the largest animal ever survived on the Earth. Sri Lanka boasts of its ...
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Besides, Sri Lanka is popular as the simplest place in the world to spot the hitherto elusive blue whale that is the largest animal ever survived on the Earth. Sri Lanka boasts of its ...
Since the еnd оf thе civil war, Colombo hаѕ ѕtеаdіlу developed, turnіng itself іntо оnе оf Aѕіа’ѕ іnduѕtrіаl and fіnаnсіаl hubs. Should you plan a visit to the teardrop ...
A compact microcosm of Asia in one island, Sri Lanka has pretty much everything to tempt even the most jaded traveller. Here’s a roundup of the must-have experiences for a unique holiday.
Sri Lanka has always been an ideal destination for an exotic wedding ceremony and honeymoon, and currently it enjoys the third spot on most popular destination for weddings and honeymoons in the ...
Located in the southern hill country, this lofty peak has sparked the imagination for centuries and been a focus for pilgrimage for more than 1000 years.It's known as Adam’s Peak, since this ...
Discover the most well-preserved ancient heritage sites in Sri Lanka, covering visits to various attractions across its cities.
Discover the histroy and usage of Kithul trees, known for being the source of a type of honey, alcohol, and toddy in Sri Lanka.
One of the joys of travel in Sri Lanka is the delicious, spice-rich food. But in a world awash with popular Southeast Asian and Indian dishes, why is so little known about the country's cuisine? ...
The definition of ‘Ayurveda’ in simple terms means “the Science of Life”. Ayurveda represents a system of healing that has been perfected over more than five thousand years. It is ...
The month of Esala (July), during which period this annual pageant is usually held, had been considered a month of celebrations and festivity, both among Indians and Sri Lankans. Even from the ...
After the pari-nirvana of Gautama Buddha, the tooth relic was preserved in Kalinga and smuggled to the island by Princess Hemamali and her husband, Prince Dantha on the instructions of her father ...
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, is an island country in South Asia near South East India. It has maritime borders with India till northwest and Maldives to the South West. Sri ...
In 1824, British brought a tea plant from China to Ceylon (as Sri Lanka was known at the time) and it was planted in the Royal Botanical Gardens Peradeniya, which is considered to ...
The beaches of Sri Lanka are the nesting grounds for five species of marine turtles. They are the Green Turtle, the Leatherback, the Hawksbill, the Loggerhead and the Olive Ridley. All 5 species have ...
Lo Sri Lanka, il cui nome ufficiale è Repubblica Democratica Socialista dello Sri Lanka, conosciuta anche come Ceylon, è uno stato insulare che si trova in Asia, e occupa l'omonima isola al largo ...
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