The gilded, golden capital of Peter the Great, once the epicenter of Russia and the stomping ground of Dostoevsky and the tsars, Saint Petersburg is best explored with a local tourHQ guide.
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We are young and developing company with hot hearts and cold heads, we arrange different tours from ...
We really love the place we live in – Primorye – and we want to share its magical beauty with ...
BienvenidoSPB Tours specializes in personalized sightseeing tours for travellers on their own and ...
Full Travel Support in Russia: Private/group itineraries. Transfers/accommodation. Custom ...
I am the CEO and Founder of Anastasia Travel Group. I started as a guide in St. Petersburg and ...
We at Space Travel offer both regular sighseeing programs (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, ...
MosVoyage offers tailor-made tours in Moscow and other cities of Russia. Trusted by travelers from ...
Nordic Tour has a professional team of skilful tour guides and local travel coordinators with ...
LLC City Trip is fully licensed by the Federal Agency for Tourism, therefore we have the right to ...
We are a tourism company that aims to organize trips for travelers
A strong team of like-minded professionals who've been designing fascinating Fly&Drive and ...
Dear travelers! We are working in the field of private tours and excursions in St. Petersburg ...
Guide For You Group is a private tour company based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. We are a ...
Dear tourists, we are delighted that you have chosen our company. We are ready to provide you with ...
Red Sun Tours offers quality tours of St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia. Visa free shore ...
We worked as guides and vacation planners for over 7 years and gained practical experience in ...
It’s quite hard to imagine the skulking and shady characters of Dostoevsky’s pages wandering down the canals and boulevards of today’s Saint Petersburg, brooding existentially over the darker questions in life. No, nowadays this is a city of light, not shadow; a town that glistens with gold-hemmed architecture and the majestic Baroque.
But as any Saint Petersburg tourist guide will tell you, this 5-million strong metropolis on the cusp of the cold Balkan is no stranger to volte-face changes. It was once the brainchild of Peter the Great—who now stands immortalised in statuettes and honorific place names right across the city; then Petrograd—the monumental spearhead of nationalist Russia; then Leningrad—the symbolic prototype of the USSR’s mechanised metropolis.
Naturally history abounds here in the palaces and museums, but Petersburg has also aligned itself as a cultural hub of the New Russia; a centre of ballet and the arts, jazz, philharmonics, and even the avant-garde. Don’t expect an easy ride in this buzzing city; rather look forward to a veritable rollercoaster of cultural delights and contradictions.
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