Last week, my friends and I had a-six-days`jouney in Sri Lanka. The happy time always gone like fly, I'll miss it very much, I miss Mangroves of the horse, long beach on the south coast, Galle Fort,Lion Rock, King coconut and sour milk. First of all we want to say thank Janaka our Tour guide and driver very much for your help.Thanks to your family and kind-hearted people’s help, Janaka. The most unforgettable site is Mangroves of the horse, it is the best of best in this jouney. There are four reasons : the scene is charming and unique of mangroves; our flying happy mood ; Janaka- our Tour guide and driver is a handsome , warm and friendly tour guide, he likes smiling, reveal his white teeth, very lovely; Our Boatman -a local guy, black skin , he is very lovely too.If you visit Sri Lanka, you’d like to choose to go the beach resort on the south coast, Galle and other places ,and ask Janaka as a Tour guide and driver. Return to the topic,Let me introduce something interesting about mangroves,best of the best in our jouney.Our Boatman is a local guy, black skin, snow white teeth with curly hair , a bit like a Gypsy, he likes smiling, too. 上周,我和朋友们度过了六天的斯里兰卡之旅。快乐的时光总是飞逝而过,我非常地怀念,怀念那儿的红树林,南部海滨的长沙滩,加勒古堡,狮子岩,还有金椰子和酸奶。 首先,我们非常感谢Janaka,我们的导游兼司机,谢谢你们全家Janaka,还有这里的热心人民的帮助。最让我们难以忘怀的是红树林,是此次旅行中最好的最好。四点理由:一是迷人独特的红树林;二是我们放飞的心情,三是Janaka—我们导游兼司机,一个英俊、热情友好的向导,他喜欢笑,露出他白白的牙齿,很可爱;四是我们的船老大,一个当地的黑皮肤小伙子,他也很可爱。如果你打算斯里兰卡游,你可以选择去南部海滨,加勒还有其他的地方,你可以请Janaka 做导游兼司机。言归正传,让我说说红树林趣事,我们旅行中最好的最好。我们的船老大是个当地小伙子,黑黑的皮肤,雪白的牙齿,卷卷的头发,有点点像吉卜赛人,他也很喜欢微笑。Suddenly, he told us: A crocodile is swimming towards us, he is a baby crocodile.We say a: very loudly, and the boatman deliberately shake the boat, we say a: more loudly, the crocodile managed to escape from our boat and. Our Boatman say the crocodile was scared by our shouting.突然,他告诉我们:一只鳄鱼正朝我们游来,他是一只baby鳄鱼。我们大声地啊叫,船老大故意晃动着船,我们更大声地叫啊,那只鳄鱼设法逃离我们的船。船老大说鳄鱼被我们的叫声吓跑了。I feel some difficulties to express something about What we saw there and our feeling. Please allow me in Chinese and pictures to express myself.马度河不太像河,倒更像大大小小岛屿组成的湖,船老大好几次纠正了我的说法。为此他还特意他把船开往河与海交界处,交界处是出海口的沙滩,然后他回过头来问我是河还是湖。船儿在马度河中的红树林中穿梭,经过大大小小的岛屿,有鱼鹰在水面上休憩,河岸树丛中的小鸟在唱着不知名的歌儿,我们边感叹与欣赏大自然的神奇,不仅景色独特神奇,而且这儿的人民也很神奇和独特。船老大是一位极棒的导游,他边驾着船一边给我们介绍红树林的生长环境,金椰子树,还有一种结有类似芒果果实可以制作美肤的面膜等等,经过丛林和铁路桥下也不忘提醒我们低下头。有年轻人在河中用金椰子扔来扔去玩游戏,他们也像时而俯冲入水中,时而探出头来,伴随着朗朗的大笑声。让我不解的是他们不怕鳄鱼吗?我问船老大,他说他们不怕,有些鳄鱼不咬人,有些咬人。我说万一咬人的鳄鱼来咬怎么办,他说只有拼命地游或上船离开没有别的办法。船老大偶尔会给我们制造些惊喜,比如问我们再去看一次鳄鱼或去摘个金椰子,他还会转过身来朝我们笑笑问我们要自己试着开船吗?有一个最小的岛屿,约几平方米,岛上有座庙,船老大在这停下船来,给我们讲解岛上是现存了400多年的印度神庙等等。小岛旁,捕鱼的栅栏旁或进入红树林时他总提醒着我们的同时大声问要拍照吗,真的让我们感动。红树林划船探险期间还上了其中两个小岛屿,有老人演示用椰丝编织绳子,用椰叶编屋顶,肉桂皮的制作还有肉桂油之类。在此不细述。近三个小时的红树林之游后,大家有点点疲惫更多的是开心。Janaka带上了他的爸爸,看起来有点像兄弟俩,一起带我们去吃中餐。中餐后又去参观了加勒,他们一路上都在当我们的免费导游,对我们提出的任何问题都微笑着回答,没有一丝一毫的不情愿。Janaka的爸爸知识渊博、为人和善,在教堂里,在古老的钟楼前,在小巷前,在博物馆里听老人家讲述加勒的历史。在珊瑚砌成的城墙边,在海边,我们聆听大海的声音,悠闲地行走,开心地拍照,Janaka和他爸爸静静地呆在一旁,偶尔笑笑并对我们说Enjoy yourself之类。六天中这一天是自由活动,也是我们最快乐的一天,感谢Janaka和他的爸爸,还有船老大及两位憨厚的司机小伙。用小颖的话来总结下此次斯里兰卡阳光之旅: 充足的阳光,凉爽拂面的海风,蔚蓝干净的天空,一张张总是充满笑意的脸。。让我回味起这次的斯里兰卡异域之旅总是能嗅到很清新的阳光的味道。佛说,心里想到什么,你眼里看到的就是什么。是的,我心里满满的都是阳光啊……Ample sunshine, cool breeze from the sea, the blue clean sky, smiling faces…..Let me remember the exotic Sri Lanka trip, it always make me smell the fresh taste of the sun. Buddha says, thought of what, what you see in the eyes is. Yes, my heart is full of sunshine...... ah...... All of us everyday feel the people of Sri Lanka are warm-hearted, sunny and happy, we also spent sunny and happy days. If you visit Sri Lanka, you’d like to choose to go the beach resort on the south coast, Galle and other places , and ask Janaka as a Tour guide and driver. I think Janaka will happy to help you