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User Image Review submited by Kirsten

Mvuu, April 2016

Reviewed May 17, 2016

As well as having seemingly encyclopaedic knowledge and being fantastically enthusiastic, what made Samuel so special as a guide was his flexibility and adaptability.  This made our time at Mvuu camp all the richer because of unscheduled trips - jumping up from breakfast and running to the jeep when elephants were nearby, for example.  It was obvious that this stemmed from his genuine wish to share the wonders of Liwonde with us.  It would be hard for a tripout with Samuel not to make a lasting impression.   

SAMUEL LENARD CHIHANA's response to the review

May 19, 2016

Hi Kirsten, Thank you so much. It was also nice to learn from your family, really its once in a while so it is important to take every ones visiting time so special!!! I hope your family made it back home safely. yours, Samuel Lenard Chihana.

User Image Review submited by Ruth

A great bird enthusiast!

Reviewed April 19, 2016

I have been out in Liwonde with Samuel Chihana as guide several times - he is enthusiastic and knowledgeable, always ready to share his knowledge of the area.

Travelled in as a couple

SAMUEL LENARD CHIHANA's response to the review

April 20, 2016

Hi Ruth and Ken, Thank you very much for great review!! I would like also to thank you so much for coming to help on the 50th Wetland Bird Count at Mvuu Camp & Lodge on your holiday, that it a rare character. I was at MCM AGM AT Kara O' Mula in Mulanje last week end, I did not want to surprise yo More

u as I did not know I was going to have a chance to come. I realized on our way back from the hike and swimming in Mlosa river that we walked through Eastern Produce Tea Estate where Ken works. I hope to see you next time I come for Mulanje Mountain Sapitwa Sleep over hike. Thank, Samuel Lenard Chihana Less

User Image Review submited by Alison

Visit to Mvuu Camp, 27 - 29 March 2016

Reviewed April 7, 2016

Samuel's enthusiam, energy and deep knowledge of the wildlife of Mvuu really made our trip - he found and shared some of the most memorable wildlife watching experiences of my life, which ranged from watching elephants 'dance' over electric fences to seeing a kingfisher catch and eat a fish at very close quarters.  Very special.  He also went that extra mile, going through bird lists and sharing photos of plants and flowers in the evenings. A true professional.  We enjoyed his company, thank you so much!

Travelled in with friends

SAMUEL LENARD CHIHANA's response to the review

April 7, 2016

Hi Alison, Thank you very much for your great review. It was nice to meet your group at Mvuu Camp-Liwonde National Park-Malawi. I hope you received my report about Crossbreeding Lapwings in Liwonde. You are well come to share. yours, Samuel Lenard Chihana.