This day simply couldn't have been better. Despite me giving the wrong hotel to meet at ( sorry again Xavier) Xavier greeted us warmly and was energetic, enthusiast and hugely informative throughout the day. We learnt so much, not just about the sites but about also about general life in Guadalajara and how it is changing. Xavier was at pains not to rush us and to pass on some recommendations for the next day to. We went to a very authentic artisan tequilla producer and were so glad we had opted for this trip rather than going to a one of the big producers in Tequila town when we saw the crowds there. On the journey home Xavier opened a bottle of Teqilla he had bought and had not only cups but salt too! That just sums up the level of detail and effort that Xavier put into the whole day. This was a first rate trip I can't recommend too highly. Thank you Xavier.