I met Dinesh Thanju in October 2011 on a Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) trip to "Nepal & The Mystical Himalayas. There were 8 travelers on our trip. Dinesh was our Trip Leader (Guide).
There were many planned events. His knowledge of the Himalayas was very detailed, as he also would tell us all about the temples and other interesting items. We had a planned hike up a hill to visit a school and village. Dinish made sure we had a safe trip.
Dinesh was able to find Discoveries that were not on the planned schedule such as telling us all about the City Market that we visited during a festival. He arranged for us to swing on a large bamboo swing. He took us to a Tibetan wedding (In a building) and a Nepalese wedding (on the side of the road). He also told us about the framer's Bee Hives and what they did with their corn. Dinesh took the time to explain how the old ladies were spinning goat hair into yarn. He also gave us the opportunity to carry a farmers basket full of leaves, which we had to put the strap on our forehead.
I took videos and Dinesh explained what we were looking at, such as a temple and the "Fish Tail" mountain and many other interesting items.
Dinesh has a copy of the trip and if you want to see the DVDs get with him, as you will hear me and Dinesh tell about our wonderful trip. If you need another copy of the trip please let me know.
I have traveled on 21 OAT trips all over the world and Dinesh is one of my top Trip Leaders.
Terry W. Jensen