Juan Rondon


Since 1996

English, Italian, Spanish

Private Tour Guide In
Other Guiding Areas
Ciudad Bolivar, Maracay

I am Juan Rondon, I was born in Merida, work as a teacher of mathematics in secondary education and mountaineer since 1990.In 1992 after an unexpected experience of survival of 8 days in the La Culata National Park enter to Andino Rescue Team, specializing in the field of mountaineering, cartography, and SAR (Search and Rescue ) planning.I hve participated as a volunteer in the search and rescue efforts in the earthquake disaster Cariaco and Santa Cruz de Mora, as well as all mountaineers rescue operations during 1[sensitive content].From this last year, I have concentrated my efforts on the training of new generations of mountaineers and rescuers.I have worked as a mountain guide since '95 and have been certified as such by Cormetur and Inparques in 1996.For more than fifteen years has toured the national parks The Head, Sierra Nevada, some routes in Henry National Park Pitter, and La Sierra del Cocuy in Colombia, Ecuador, and Italy.

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