Oybek Ostanov


Since 2009

English, German, Russian

Private Tour Guide In
Other Guiding Areas
Bukhara, Khiva, Tashkent, Urgench

I was born in 1982 in the town of Samarkand where I grew up.After finishing school in 1999, I studied Business Administration at the University of Samarkand.During my studies, I worked as a reporter and typesetter in various editorial offices.But my interest in foreign languages and my artistic ambitions soon became [sensitive content]2008, I returned to Samarkand and gained much knowledge in the field of «Tourism» at the «Uzbektourism National Research and Training Center».Since 2009, I have been working as a Travel Guide and Tour Operator in Uzbekistan and Central Asia and have opened my own travel agency called DOCA TOURS – Discover Oriental Central Asia. I am a great admirer of art and [sensitive content] my leisure time I like to go into the desert or towards the mountains where I can enjoy the silence and paint for days on end.Since 2015, I have been going to Germany almost every year, to read from my books and give illustrated talks about the Silk Road and Uzbekistan customs and traditions.I have also participated in an ARTE-film called “One thousand and one traditions of Uzbekistan”.In addition, I participate actively in translation projects at the Goethe Institute in Tashkent, translating works of fiction.Classic and modern literature in both Uzbek and German are close to my heart.German literature has taught me that Germans and Uzbeks, who both have an open philosophy of life and clear ethical ideas, are very similar in their mentality, culture and literature.With my translations and writing activities, I hope to enable both literatures to confront and appreciate one another.I work concurrently on many interesting book projects.At present, I live with my family in Samarkand, work in my office and accompany German-speaking guests around my country.Brief Curriculum vitae:1982, on 26 December I was born in Samarkand.1[sensitive content] High School no.36.1[sensitive content] Studies at the University of Samarkand in Business Administration.2[sensitive content] Reporter and layouter for various newspapers: «Samarkand», «The Life of Payariq» and «Football and Baseball».2[sensitive content] Au pair in Germany.2[sensitive content] Language Courses in Hamburg, Germany.2[sensitive content] Studies in Informatics at the University of Lübeck.2[sensitive content] Business Course at London Westminster College: Business Administration and Management.Since 2009 Participation in Seminars and Higher Qualification Courses at the Uzbektourism National Research and Training Center.Since 2009 Free-lance travel guide.Since 2011 Free-lance translator.Since 2012 Participation in projects at the Goethe Institute Taschkent within the framework of the  OEZA – Regional Project «Writing: translators on the move».2014 A reading tour / Uzbek literature and culture events in 12 cities of Germany.2016 A reading tour / Uzbek literature and culture events in 25 cities of Germany.2016 «SCHRIFTZÜGE» – resident scholarships at the Übersetzerhaus Looren, Switzerland.2[sensitive content] Master Studies at the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service.2017 A reading tour / Uzbek literature and culture events in 30 cities of Germany and Switzerland.

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