Issam Bani Ahmad (“Sammy”) hails from Jordan.Educated in Hospitalityin Malaysia, he has been in the United States since 2011.Sammy’s success in theHospitality Industry has been profound--working his way up from banquet waiterto Food and Beverage Director.He has worked with brands such as St.Regis andRitz Carlton.He is also a highly-certified Sommelier with worldwide knowledgeof wines.He acts as the Private Sommelier for our wine region tours in Portugal,Madeira, and Jordan.Sammy has a sparkling personality which you are sure toenjoy.On our tours of Jordan, Sammy is our guide, teaming up with his friend--thetour guide for King Charles and Camilla.As a native, Sammy knows the hiddensights and restaurants few tourists see.Climb with him to the caves in the walls ofPetra and meet an American woman who lives in the caves.She met a Jordaniangentleman on vacation, became his wife, and moved to Petra.Join us for teahigh up on the cliffs.Sammy also guides us through the desert of Wadi Rum.This is aspectacular region where you will stay in an igloo hotel room looking at theheavens.Star Wars, Dune, The Martian, Lawrence of Arabia, and Aladdin wereall filmed there.Our hosts will be Bedouins.And, best of all, you will get to joinus on a camel safari, if you wish.And best of all, Sammy will introduce you to a Jordanian delicacy—Mansef.This is the head of a goat served on a bed of rice.He will be our host.Phil Walker hails from Miami, Florida.He has led tours for 10 years takinggroups to Iceland, Cuba and the Caribbean, Miami, India, and Dubai.He is alwayslooking for the next fantastic destination for our travelers.Phil is also a California trial lawyer specializing in workers compensation.He has represented companies including US Steel, United Airlines, and theUniversity of California.He is a top-rated California attorney and popular speakerknown for his hilarious presentations and calling it as he sees it.Travel and friends are his passion.As he says, “travel opens up the heart.Fun.Laughter.Friends.” Those are the ingredients he brings to any of our trips.