We are a cooperative of highly experienced, certified, professional guides.Each guide takes personal ownership of his or her own trip and is thus able to adjust and personalize according to the goals and objectives of the participants.We recognize the supreme importance of the client/guide relationship in creating a rewarding and unique mountain experience.By cultivating these relationships we are able to select objectives that fit the skill and desire of each client and prepare them for future trips. A large percentage of our trips are with folks we have climbed and skied with for years.We hope you will join us! We are guides with great personalities, outstanding skills, and worldwide experience.We are all AMGA or IFMGA certified.The AMGA, (American Mountain Guide Association) is a member of the IFMGA (International Federation of Mountain Guides Association) which offers certification to guides that have been trained and rigorously tested on their skill and ability as Mountain guides.IFMGA certification is the highest level of certification available to mountain guides and is internationally recognized. In addition to Certification, all our guides have extensive personal and professional climbing resumes.We have all worked for larger guide services, and in some cases continue to do so.We have learned a lot from these experiences.We strive to incorporate these lessons learned into the practice of every trip we run.One of these lessons is attention to detail.We know that planning and organization go a long way. The guide leading your trip will work with you personally to make sure all your questions are answered and your preparation complete.We keep our client-to guide ratio low.Operating with low ratios is not the best way to make money, but it does ensure a much higher level of safety, cohesiveness, and ultimately success.We look forward to working with you on your next mountain adventure.