Rosemary Graham-Gardner


Since 1976

Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish

Private Tour Guide In
Los Angeles

Description: LIAISONS USA, specializes in facilitating tourism and business travel for the discerning visitor.Full range of services, from translating and interpreting, to transport, a la carte sightseeing, ecotourism, entertainment, shopping and discreet medical treatment handling.Competitive-rates for groups or individuals!

About us: Liaisons USA was founded by Rosemary Graham-Gardner, who had lived in many countries, prior to her emigrating to the USA.Because of her mixed background, born in Antwerp Belgium of Scottish and Egyptian parents, she is very familiar with customs and lifestyles of many different countries.The multicultural exposure and educational experiences gathered throughout her worldly travels, have made her an expert travel facilitator.

In Business Since 1976: Recent events have changed forever the way people travel and conduct business.Concerns over safety and security have created a strong desire to avoid "standing out" as a tourist or business executive in a foreign country.The solution lies in the skillful planning and handling of arrangements by an experienced facilitator who provides a safer and more anonymous way of traveling, and helps save time LIAISONS USA provides a full range of services for the discerning traveler, including Translation and interpreting modes of transport la Carte Sightseeing

Ecotourism, Incentive Travel Entertainment & Shopping Discreet Medical Treatment handling Liaisons USA solves all time-consuming problems for expatriates, executives, and visitors.Our services are only limited by your requests! Competitive rates for groups or individuals!

At Liaisons USA, we offer 1) Safe, secure and anonymous modes of travel.2) In-depth knowledge of different cultures, religions, languages, lifestyles and business practices.3) Introductiont to American Business and Social Practices 4) Custom designed itineraries and briefings with a gentle and relevant introduction to each destination, 5) Individually-guided touring and business travel that leaves you feeling pampered on a worry-free and peaceful trip Vivez votre voyage dans l' Ouest Americain dans Ie confort et la securite de reussite queseuls les privilegies de ce monde peuvent s'offrir.Le raffinement Europeen marie avec l'efficacite Americaine feront de votre voyage unetranche de vie inoubliable.En effet votre itineraire ne se limitera pas a des parcours pre-etablis.Votre programme correspondra a vos gouts et exigeances.Les barrieres culturelles, les difficultes de langage, l'imprevu qui pourraient gacher votreperception de l'Amerique, deviennent sources de decouverte et d'enrichissement avec laparticipation de LIAISONs U.S.A.LIAISON U.S.A., combine judicieusement les services traditionnels: traduction, guide, organization de voyages et excursions, et assure avec discretion des services plus personnalises, tels que Ie shopping, ou les demarches et soins lies a un traitement medical ou a une intervention esthetique.De l'accueil au depart LIAISONS U.S.A., prend en charge les particuliers, les groupesprives ou entreprises, offrant un service personnalise de qualite.A meme de procurer la gamme complete des moyens de transport, helicopteres, limousines, etc.La direction de LIAISONS U.S.A.est assuree par Rosemary Graham-Gardner.Nee en Belgique de parents Ecossais et Egyptien, elle met a votre service une education europeenne et cosmopolite, ainsi que 30 annees d'experience, durant lesquelles elle aexplore et decouvert ce que l'Amerique offre de spectaculaire, d'insolite et de magique See what's free.

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