Founded in 2017, the Bunyod-Tour Limited Liability Company (Bunyod-Tour) is a commercial travel company in Tajikistan (license #[sensitive content], from 20.11.2017).Bunyod-Tour provides travel services, tours into Tajikistan and other countries as cultural, historic, ecological and adventure.Company has more than 500 tour product/program in partnership with the 50 national, regional and international companies. Bunyod-Tour has a strategic partnership with the State Committee on tourism development under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for domestic tourism (from December 12, 2017).On March 1, 2018, become a member of Tajikistan Association of Tourist Organization (TATO), and now (September 2019) become a member of PATA.Currently, Company has its representative in the 4 region of the country and 2 foreign countries (Russia, (Moscow) and China (Beijing).