Discover Syria

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Since 2015

Arabic, English, French, German

Private Tour Guide In
Other Guiding Areas
Aleppo, Lattakia, Tartus

We are an initiative that has been organising regular tours for local people and communities across Syria for more than 10 years.

Our team consists of experienced guides, nature and history researchers, social workers and tour organisers.

The majority of us are women, and we are strongly committed to empowering women in this region and enhancing their role in society.Based in the coastal region of Syria, we have a deep connection to the region, where we live and work.While we organise tours all over Syria, we specialise more in the coastal region

In addition to our tours, we also lead various initiatives such as street clean-ups, children's activities, and tree planting campaigns.These efforts reflect our belief in improving our country and fostering a better future, despite the challenges that resulted from years of conflict.

Under the previous regime, many of our activities were severely restricted.But with the recent political changes, we are hopeful and determined to make Syria more open and more beautiful in the eyes of the world.

Our goal is not to make big commercial gains.We have just started up our new project "Discover Syria" with the aim of attracting people, tourists, travellers, adventurers and visitors from all over the world and sharing with them Syria's rich heritage, history, natural beauty, traditions and delicious cuisine - offering a perspective that goes beyond the limited narrative presented in the media.

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