PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:Local guide in Ljubljana, working for Tourist Office, 1[sensitive content] -- Around 5000 guided tours in 21 years-- Numerous guided tours for City Protocol: guests of Ljubljana mayor-- Guided tours for State Protocol: President of Portugal, Prime Minister of Norway, President of Polish Courthouse, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, NATO General Smith etc.-- Numerous guided tours for journalists (newspapers, radio stations & TV): Animal Planet (Nick Baker, Weird Creatures), National Geographic, ARD, RTV SLO; Guided tours in Slovenia: -- For several Travel Agency in Slovenia (since 1999);-- For Slovenian Tourist Board (tours for tour operators, since 2006) ;KNOWLEDGELanguage skills: Slovenian (native); English, German and Croatian (active); Spanish, French and Bosnian (passive).OTHERHobby: traveling, photography and video, making a travel film, reading (travel literature, library of around 600 travel books, dance (salsa) Driving license: for category A, B (car), C (truck) and D (all buses) Polar expeditions: 2000- Expedition to North Pole (by skies and sledge, first Slovenian woman to reach North Pole)2003- Expedition to Greenland (by skies and sledge)