I am a licensed tour guide, tour leader and tour manager.And as such I have a wide range of qualifications and quite a collection of licenses.Among my licenses are the ones to guide in and around Gdansk, as well as Torun.I am also licensed to guide and lead tours in and around the two northern provinces of Poland – the Pomeranian and Warmia-Mazury.I also have licenses to guide in and around the Castle Museum in Malbork and Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork and all museums in the two northern regions of Poland… I am also a licensed tour leader, and have powers to teach new guides.I collect… bricks.Gothic bricks, as I specialize in the times of Prussia Teutonic and Ducal as well as Royal.I collect bricks, because they can tell a story and can make the walls reveal their secrets.I love… what I am doing.Quitting office work some years ago, and devoting my life to guiding, I gained a privilege of setting off to work with pleasure.Besides I train new guides, I teach how to read walls, paintings, symbols.I make the places I guide around – special.I investigate family genealogies, I write a little, I paint, and most of all – I take a lot of pictures.