Nande Junias Explorer Tours was founded by Nanda Junias in 2015.Having grown up in the township of Mondesa in Swakopmund, Namibia, he studied travel and tourism at a university level and turned his experience towards rejuvenating and expanding the tourism industry in local Tours and Safaris in and around Namibia with my 15 years Guiding Experience.It is an extraordinary opportunity to gain an in-depth exploration into the Township of Mondesa and Swakopmund or a Safari Tour in Etosha National Park.Guests learn about the different tribes and cultures of Namibia from the Ovambo, Damara Herero to the Ovahimba People and also the wildlife.Nande Junias Explorer Tours were finalists for the 2018 African Responsible Tourism Awards and was selected as the best Responsible Cultural Experience in Africa.The selection was held in Johannesburg on 9th April by a panel of nine expert judges who shortlisted nine organisations from across Africa who conducted their businesses in such a way that preserved, respected and benefitted destinations and local people. To be even shortlisted out of the thousands of tourism businesses in Africa is a testament to the strong business ethics of all those included.For 2019 Nande has several upcoming projects to focus on.The first one is to help open a library at a local school in Nande’s community, which will benefit the kids as they currently don’t have a library at school.The second project is to open a yoga class and venue in the township which is under construction.Thirdly, an ongoing effort to use profits made from the tours to purchase school uniforms for the children who don’t have any.