Author: Welcome to Madagascar Safari Tour Guide.By Moses , your Local Tour Guideàand Tour Operator based inàMadagscar since 2007àMy name is Moses Iamààanàofficial National Tour Guide here in Madagascsar Since 2007.ànow Founder ofààMadagascar Safari Tour Guide Company.Iam glad to help you for your Madagascar Safaris àand Toursà.My àServices includingà: Bookingàdomestic Flight, Booking Accommodation, Car Rental with drivers, Tour Guide ,park ranger ' park fees ' Breakfast ' lunch ' Diner 'Safaris and Tours desineràfor whole Madagscar Island,àOur Driver is also have drived in all Madagascar road.We working together, to make your Dream Vacation beàcome trouth for your Madagascar Safari Holydays, Explorring Wildlife and Cultures.And itâÃÂÃÂs beauty landscap.If you want to travelàtoàmadagascar, or to getàinformation,àplease do not be hasitate to contact me throughà, just let us know what your intrested' Safaris and Tours are can be customisedàand Iam a pantionated and my teams as well are flaxible as we said your satisfaction is Our pleasureàBest regardsàMosesàyour Madagascar Safari and Tour Guide