Everything starts with an idea. Countless conversations with concentrated brain storming created Eventours.We strongly believe that you have to taste a culture to understand it and what best can it be, if you are a part of the celebration, anywhere you go.At Eventours, we are made up of a very interesting group of people with countless years of experience working and travelling in India and outside.We join hands with some of the best in the industry when it comes to exploring and creating experiences.We will provide you an exceptional vacation filled with inspiring and life-enriching experience.And that becomes our relentless pursuit of excellence.Let the adventure begin, lets ramble. Meet the Co-founders : Amitabh and Raunak started Eventours to solve their own travel challenges.As erstwhile corporate executives, with their own backpacking interests, they visualized that travel in itself is an event.And being part of an engaged travel program is what most travel enthusiasts likes to experience.They took one step further by making the traveller an entrepreneur and lo behold there comes the “travelpreneur”. All of us, the co-founders as well as our staff are people who have spent substantial years in the industry.We like you thrive on authentic, original experiences and going local.But quite frankly we think that the term “experiential travel” seems to be over-rated these days.We like to keep our experiences, real.We have centered our tours on festivals, occasionally limiting ourselves to home-stay accommodations.While we do visit the 'big ticket' destinations on these tours, highlights always include the little out of the way places that most visitors never stop at - a tiny village market, a local wedding or a village that barely makes it to a map but has a little guesthouse that we overnight in.Our primary base is North East India, considered the other side of the country.India’s Northeast States, dangling way out on the edge of the map and the national perception, are strictly for explorers who want something different from their India experience.And it’s an adventure in the truest sense of the [sensitive content]furiatingpermitsand over-exaggerated safety worries mean the northeast is way of the tourist trail, yet the people are probably the friendliest in India.