eli srugo

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6 Reviews


Since 1995


Private Tour Guide In
Other Guiding Areas
Acre, Beit She'an, Bethlehem, Caesarea, Eilat, Haifa, Hebron, Jericho, Masada, Nazareth, Tel Aviv, Tiberias


Let me introduce myself! I am a tour guide in Israel, having graduated from the Ministry of Tourism School and have also have a government guiding license. 

This has been my career since 1995, having previously worked as a professional photographer.I have a real  passion for the wonderful country where I was born......where my children were born.......where we all live.......


My career is at it's most enjoyable, when I am working with small groups and families of up to 7  number, especially if there are children, because I have great patience with them, having youngsters of my own!

Together we can tour all of the State of Israel, especially as I am one of a few registered guides who can take you into the West Bank and Bethlehem.Come with me on your 'tailor made' tour to see and experience the best of our Jewish and Christian history. 

Come and visit, and taste, our wonderful wineries, or see and photograph with my help, all our amazing wildlife!! 

The choice is yours!!

Israel....the Holy land is a special place to create memories for you. I guarantee that if you come with me, the memories you will have of our time together on tour, will last a lifetime and beyond!!!

So what are you waiting for? 

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