Boris Berović

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Since 2015


Private Tour Guide In
Other Guiding Areas
Klis, Krka National Park, Plitvice Lakes, Šibenik, Sinj, Solin, Trogir, Zadar

Welcome to Split! My name is Boris and I was born here! Since my childhood, I used to get lost among the charming streets of my hometown and even today I am still excited to use every chance to walk around and to admire of the uniqueness of my city.Interested in history, probably partly under the influence of living in the 2000 years old place, I studied it and got my master`s degree. Loving to share my findings, knowledge and experiences about Split culture, customs, history and everyday life themes with my friends and family, I wanted to do it also with people who are visiting my beatiful and unique city so I became licensed tour guide. Guiding people for more than 5 years now I am always doing it on a way: Experience Split through the See, Hear & Feel sense.See the sights, hear the story & feel the vibe!

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