Yehualashet Belete

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Since 2010


Private Tour Guide In
Other Guiding Areas
Addis Ababa, Arba Minch, Mago National Park, Turmi

welcome to alliance omo valley, Ethiopia my name is Yehualashet I was born& grew up in omo valley and also living with the indigenous omo valley tribes of southern Ethiopia; I have over eight (8) years’ experience working as Behavior change expert for International NGO managing a wide-range of development (health, education, livelihood) projects funded by various donor agencies including USAID, DFID, Boing, Rotary, and other private donors since 2010 to 2016 then I was envisaged to work as tour guide through my experience while gained working at GTLI organization and studied in Sociology & Social Anthropology from Paradise Valley University College, Ethiopia I was worked with a number of national and international partners and stakeholders including regional and local government offices of Ethiopia, various donor agencies, other NGOs and academic, research organizations in the past eight years and starting from January, 2017 has working as independent tour guide& package service in omo valley, Ethiopia.

 ‎Immersion- Access off the beaten path (a way from the tourist route) Experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the Omo Valley, visiting tribes living off beaten areas, enjoying the night under the stars, and joining a traditional night dancing and learning about the local experiencesI have developed a strong connection to many of the tribes and am able to organize unique tours around their traditional events and ceremonies. Together, we can create the perfect exploratory trip for you, visiting as many places as your time will allow, and organize the perfect accommodation, whether it is in the comfort of a hotel or sleeping in tents alongside a remote tribe Research Alliance omo valley tour will provide well organized services for the clients who are coming to omo valley for whom interesting to experience Languages, cultural practices, Besides; I will assist to NGOs, Researchers, Interns, and others, who are seeking to work through the development activities specifically, data surveying as well as looking to render volunteering serviceDescription of Audience interests and offering service Alliance omo valley guide is well equipped and has made a remarkable reputation with key activities of tourists to explore the culture and nature of the place where you visit.Get to know local people: most of tourists like to talk with local people and get to know each other 

1.Trekking: Tourist like walking around the village to enjoy village life and trek to hill or mountains, especially young and middle age tourists (20-55 year old)  

2.Boating on beautiful rivers: All tourist like boating as this activity is interesting and relaxing.3.Enjoy local cuisine: Tourist like eating local food and drink, but need pay attention to suit their eating habits (such as less bone, not so spicy, no monosodium glutamate…) and ensure food safety. 

4.Sightseeing: Generally, tourists like going around to visiting cultural and natural attractions and getting to know the destination. 

5.Buying local handcrafts: Tourists like to observe handicraft processing and buy fine art products for personal use or for souvenir, gifts… 

6.Taking photos: All tourist like taking photos of landscape, people and place they visit 

7.Visiting temples: Visit temples make tourist understand more about traditional culture and religion. 

 8.Attending festivals: Provide opportunity for tourists to learn local culture and exchange

 9.Visit parks, museum & cultural ceremony: This can be a part of natural tour 

 10. Learning about local agriculture: Help tourists to understand agricultural 

 11.Seeing birds & wildlife: This can be a part of nature based tour or eco tour in the national park or a natural setting 

12.visit of community style; hair making, clothing and housing Customer service is VERY important to us so the partnering company we will offer full package service  including pre-arranged tours, custom packages according to client’s specification, travel consultation, guidance and as time progresses making reservations for lodging amongst other.

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