Fitsum Weldmariam


Since 2003

English, Italian

Private Tour Guide In
Addis Ababa
Other Guiding Areas
Aksum, Arba Minch, Awash National Park, Awassa, Bahir Dar, Debre Libanos, Debre Markos, Debre Zeyit, Gondar, Harar, Jinka, Konso, Lake Langano, Lalibela, Mago National Park, Mekele, Nechisar National Park, Omo National Park, Turmi, Yabelo

My name is Fitsum Weldmariam,I am a driver/professional guide & tour organizer for about 15 [sensitive content]w l experienced my country morethan enough,l would really like to shear my experience to my client who would like to know my country Ethiopia home of human beings.

I will welcome you with my excellent experience and with my owen felts of 4×4 Land Crusiers.

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