Philemon Kesete

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2 Reviews


Since 2014

Amharic, English

Private Tour Guide In
Other Guiding Areas
Adi Keyh, Dahlak Archipelago, Keren, Massawa, Nefasit, Senafe

I have been living in my city for more than 20 years.I love everything about my city.I have a very strong community and I love the atmosphere of the places I hangout in.Though I studied computer engineering, I was mesmerized by the beauty of this country and its people.This might be the reason I decided to become a photographer and guide, and have tried to learn almost everything about my country and my city.I am always in good mood, cheerful and happy no matter what happens around me.I have extreme desire to please people and to influence their life in a positive way.I have been trying to inspire people through my photography by showing them what I see and what I felt.However I decided to become a tour guide to let people experience this area through their own eyes instead of my point of view.I think it's important for you to have your own experience through visiting the places that have had a profound effect on my growth.I hope to Give you an expirience of life time.

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