I was born in Istanbul and came later to Germany, where my parents started to work in the mid 60s.So I spent my life in both countries; Germany and Turkey.I studied English and Philology in İzmir, TR, where I also attended a course to prepare myself for the examinations of the Turkish Ministry for Tourism and Culture to get my official licence for tour guiding in the whole Country, that I succesfully completed. In the year of 1988, I started tour guiding in Ephessus, Pergamon, Troy and other ancient sights of Turkey. In the following years I could have the chance to improve myself not only in whole Turkey, but also in some countries in Europe like Germany and Austria.In the middle of the 90s, I had the chance to guide english speaking High school kids with their teachers and parrents throughout europe. At present I am living in Berlin since 1994 and guide the city tours and round trips not only in Berlin, Potsdam and surrounding but also in Dresden, Vienna and of course in many cities of Turkey.