I’m Oma Nnorom, a travel writer by profession, Professional travel curator and tour guide, Member of the International Travel Writers Alliance, and lover of world cultures, languages, souls, food, oceans, wild spaces, and urban places by nature.
I was born and raised in Nigeria with a very simple and happy childhood.
I speak passable French, Yoruba, and Igbo.It’s cliché, but I’ve learned way more through my travels and the people I’ve met all over this awesome planet than anything they ever tried to teach me at the university (where I managed to get a degree in Mass Communication and now a second Degree in International relations at Cyprus international university.when I wasn’t helping friends of the non-writerly variety pen their finals papers.
I don’t have the insurance benefits that comes with a stable job or an employer contributing to my 401K, but I wouldn’t trade this gig for all the frequent flier miles in the world.
I have time to spend with friends and family, I dive everywhere I can, I wander purposefully and sometimes aimlessly and, like most writers, drink coffee wherever it’s brewing.I’ve sailed under the midnight sun through the glacial waters of Greenland with my hero during a father-daughter trip of a lifetime, camped in the wilds of Northern Nigeria.And I love taking photos, too, many of which have been published with my work.