Clinton Edwards

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Since 1995


Private Tour Guide In
Moremi game reserve
Other Guiding Areas
Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Chobe National Park, Gonarezhou National Park, Hwange National Park, Makgadikgadi Pan, Mana Pools National Park, Matobo National Park, Matusadona National Park, Nxai Pan National Park, Victoria Falls

Clinton was born and raised in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.From a very young age, he has had a passion for wildlife and the environment and having grown up in a tourism based town (Victoria Falls) has a particularly strong talent and passion for hosting guests on safari.

Clinton started his guiding career in Zimbabwe in 1992.The guiding courses in Zimbabwe are amongst the toughest in Africa – taking 4 years to qualify.After his apprenticeship, he qualified as a hunter/guide, canoe/kayak guide, whitewater guide, white water rescue technician, basic paramedic and went on to guide in Zimbabwe for 8 years in different areas, finally moving to Botswana in 2000.

Once in Botswana, Clinton did the license requirements to obtain his Professional Guides License and found his niche in mobile safaris, in between doing camp management and mobile logistics management.Clinton is now in partnership in his own Specialist Mobile Safari Company.In the recent years he has worked in the filming industry for independent filming companies, as well as working in filming projects for National Geographic and Discovery Channel.

Clinton best describes himself as a passionate naturalist, having fine tuned interests and skills in the fields of both fauna and flora including a good knowledge of photography.He also has extensive experience with walking safaris.

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