regional tourism guide – mtur.n° 23.015968.96-8ü scout ueb reg.n° [sensitive content] ü first responder – brazilian red cross reg., nº 1940ü rar rescuer reg.n° 2350ü dynamic, objective, organized, flexible, determined, responsible.and interpersonal relationships; ü organization of events - planning, costs, budgets and hiring staff and completion.(congresses, meetings, graduations, get-togethers); ü client relations courses, negotiation techniques, event organization and leadership.ü availability of timetables and trips, ü receptive, student, ecotourism and pedagogical guide.significant experiences: ueb scout (união dos scouts of brazil) with 35 years of experience in conducting young people and adults; rescuer: rar (rescue in remote areas) held in santa maria/rs; first aider cruz vermelha do brasil; regional tourism guide – rsead- abeta – minimum skills of the adventure tourism driver;