21 years experience on receptive tours in São Paulo, working as a tour guide in Brazil and South America.• Customized receptive city tours in Sao Paulo for business travelers, students, and tourists, offering many flexible options for sightseeing with emphasis on the history and culture of Brazil, the State and City of Sao Paulo; • Business visitors Translation Services (German, English, and Portuguese) for meetings, trade fairs, company/factory visits, events, receptions, transfers in and out (HTL and Airport); • Main service partners/clients: Lufthansa, Fulbright Brasil, Sky Germany, Goethe Institut Sao Paulo, Ernst & Young Sao Paulo, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung;• Relocation Services for expatriates in Sao Paulo (school search for children, house hunting, bank account opening, etc.);• Tourism class teacher for Senac School in Sao Paulo.