Koa Travel

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Private Tour Guide In
La Paz
Other Guiding Areas
Oruro, Potosi, Sucre, Uyuni

Koa Travel offers adventure tours and active travel in small groups in Bolivia.Koa Travel is a reputable small group adventure tour operator.The groups are accompanied by a tour guide and a driver.We offer various exciting trips including wilderness camping at the inca trails, climbing high mountains such as the illimani 6480 mts.Huayna potosi-6080 mts or even sajama 6580, the highest mountain in Bolivia.We also provide 4x4 adventure tours in different national parks; guided canoe trips in Rurrenabaque at the Madidi national park, visiting ethnic groups are part of our especialty and filling you in with the background data.Watching pink dolphins, fishing pirañas are unforgettable moments that we encounter every time, feeling the humid environment, biking and trekking in the andes as well are exhilarating experiences.The following trips take place in the andes highlands, Titicaca lake, Uyuni “salt lakes”, Coroico “the rain forest”, in the jungle and many other spots that are considered to be the most beautiful geographical areas in Bolivia.You will be sleeping on the top quality tents, bathing in lakes and rivers, also you will be eating around a camp fire.We supply you with everything required for a top of the line adventure- Accessories included; Food, hotels, equipment, llamas, mules, porters, canoes, boats, 4x4 transportation vehicles and the experienced acquired through twenty years, make it all work! Of course, we also provide you with more upscale trips, geared to those who crave “awsome” journeys in the wilderness” If you´ve never camped in the wild before, or if you are just visiting Bolivia, then this is a chance you can’t afford to miss.

Koa Travel, le ofrece servicios turísticos  de calidad.en Bolivia.Con amplia experiencia en tours por el Salar de Uyuni, el lago Titicaca y sus islas;  Caminatas en las montañas y visitas culturales a las ciudades de La Paz, Potosí y Sucre.Contamos con un buen equipo de reservas y estamos prestos a ayudarle a planificar su viaje por los lugares más interesantes de Bolivia..

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