Hello my name is Fuad.I'm a tour guide in Azerbaijan.I finished University Tourism and Management of Azerbaijan.I can speak English and Russian languages.I making tours to different historical and natural sides of Azerbaijan.I have own car for 4 persons.It s Mercedes Benz e class(old but gold:). I m making tours to capital and other regions of Azerbaijan.The capital of Azerbaijan -Baku is modern city with beautiful and historical places.Baku located on the shore of the Caspian Sea.In the Baku there are many sightseeing places, modern buildings, malls, avenues and historical places from old centuries.You can see here mix of West and East.Regions of Azerbaijan where I making tours there are many natural places.Rivers, forests, mountains, waterfalls and lakes of course.But it s not mean there is not history of Azerbaijan s regions.We ll visit many historical places also.You can see about these regions if you ll watch my tours.