Exploring and learning are my two favourite things in the world, so I went searching for a way to incorparate this into my life on a day to day basis and ended up a tour guide.I get alot of happiness and positivity from taking people on tours and as a fellow traveller I understand how important the experiences connected to travelling are (usually a once in a lifetime chance).I have been guiding for 7 years now and have loved every bit of it and shared amazing times with all of my passengers.The places i have worked have taught me alot in my time, the North Queensland Rainforest, the Blue Mountains in Sydney, winery tours, wildlife tours, extended adventure tours all around the Eastern side of Australia and tours up to a month long all around Europe are some of the great places i have had the privilege to work.Recently i have been staying closer to my home where i grew up on the Great Ocean Road and running tours in this area as well as tours to Phillip Island and the Grampians National Park.Working in my home area has proven to be extremely rewarding due to my pride and enthusiam for it and also peoples positive reactions when they learn and experience this wonderful area of the world.I look forward to running more tours and meeting more people to teach and learn from.