Miss Mariam Margaryan was our tour guide for 5days in Armenia and Tbilisi Georgia, in May 2019. We found her to be highlymotivated, very professional, and with encyclopedic knowledge of ArmenianHistory, architectural history, religious history and familiar all the mostimportant tourist sites in Armenia and Georgia.She is acquainted with and was well known by thetour operators and Restaurant owners and Wineries that we visited. Her help wasincalculable in saving us time and effort in accessing the tourist sites andvenues such as cable cars and unique restaurants in hidden locations.We cannot say enough good things about MissMargaryan. We were introduced to her thru the Hyur Servicescompany which provided us with a private vehicle, driver and Miss Margaryan asour guide. She knows English very well and Armenian andRussian as well. She is by far the best tour guide we have ever had in all ourtravels.Our tour was made extra memorable because ofMiss Margaryan's knowledge and help.