Our company was founded in 2007, by Mrs.Pavlidaki Maria, based in Rethymno Crete.The high quality services provided by Way Travel are the result of our many years of experience in the tourism sector.Since 1983 we provide services as executives of large hotel units.This has enabled us to work with the largest and most important Tour Operators (such as THOMAS COOK - TUI - LTU Touristik - ALL Tours etc.).We came in contact with customers of different nationalities giving them the best possible experience to have the perfect dream vacation.After all these years we and our office partners are well trained to assist you in any way you need to provide you with consistency and a deep sense of responsibility, the best services and rates in: Hotels - Apartments - Villas - Travel Packages - Road Trips - Group - Conferences.The purpose & philosophy of our company is to provide high quality services for travellers around the world.Please do not hesitate to contact us for any information you require.