5 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Guide!
Amongst the gazillion logistics that need to be taken care of while planning for a tour, one key decision that people usually find themselves resistant to is hiring a guide. Especially, if you ...
Take a journey deep into the annals of Ptolemaic Egypt with a trip to Edfu, where tourHQ guides can reveal wonders like the Temple of Horus and oodles of other ancient relics on the edge of the Nile.
Search Cities in egypt
Amongst the gazillion logistics that need to be taken care of while planning for a tour, one key decision that people usually find themselves resistant to is hiring a guide. Especially, if you ...
Egypt is a country of unlimited possibilities, we are saying. And definitely, it is. Egyptians can be very friendly and helpful to you. However, while expecting their help and cooperation, you should ...
Alexander the Great, with his incredible thirst for conquest, brought Egypt into the orbit of the Greek world. From this point on, a series of battles followed one after another that led first to ...
During the Second Intermediate Period (1650–1550 BC), Egypt was weakened by the immigration of the Hyksos people from the east. They established a dynasty in Lower Egypt and the Nile Delta, keeping ...
The Middle Kingdom of Egypt is also known as the “Reunification period”, and it started from 2050 BC until 1710 BC. This period starts with the eleventh dynasty under the reign of Mentuhotep II ...
The Old Kingdom of Egypt started in 2650 and lasted until 2150 BC. For more than 400 years, Egypt had a strong central government and economy. The most famous thing about the Ancient Egypt ...
The Eye of Horus is Like a talisman, it symbolizes health, prosperity, and the immortality of the body, as well as the ability to revive the dead.
It is spoken everywhere that the best money in the country is local money. But how can you understand it? If you brought a few Egyptian pounds from your vacation many years ago, you might be ...
Learn about the ancient Egyptian belief of life after death and the customs as well as traditions that are practiced following someone's death.
Explore the beautiful Egyptian ruins and cities during this time; get ideal weather, cheap hotels, cheap flights, and more in this tourist firendly country.
“Egypt is as safe as any country in the world and safer than most – and it has always been so for tourists”
Tutankhamun (aka King Tut, the Boy King) was an Egyptian pharaoh who ruled 1332–1323 BC. He was just 9 years old when he became king and died at the young age of 19.
Egypt has many attractions, it is not really possible to list all of them. After diving deeply into them and studying each of them separately, I found, each of these sites have a ...
This child was me
Much can be attributed to the ancient Egyptians, even some of the earliest forms of technology and inventions that we still use today. They were innovators in astronomy, mathematics, medicine, ...
To stroll beneath the formidable rises of the Temple of Horus, just a short jaunt north of Aswan along the Nile, is to delve to the very heart of Ptolemaic Egypt; and find oneself in arguably the best-preserved ancient religious complex in the entire country.
Looming on the dusty ridges of the Nile River’s western banks, the colossal decorated pylon of this grand building is unquestionably Edfu’s greatest attraction. It keeps watch over the clusters of souvenir vendors and tour operators that preside over the centre of the modern town, casting the shadow of its humble pyramid and massive, mural-covered facades over the pottery workshops and sugar-cane fields that keep this otherwise agricultural town ticking over.
While making the trek to the complex on the hill, be sure to ask your Edfu tourist guide for the low down on the major sights contained within; the endless montages of carved wall reliefs; the falcon-headed statuettes that guard the doors; the mysterious interior sanctuary rooms, all offering rich insights into the Egyptian past and its curious religious nuances.
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