TourHQ can help with guides in Ecuador's Cotopaxi National Park, where the soaring peaks rise to 5,800 meters and the landscapes are fit to take the breath away.
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I am a professional guide with more than 10 years of experience, leading small groups trips around ...
Ho there. Im certifiyed guide, pasionales with the natural and culture. Hugh experience guiding ...
I'm a bilingual Naturalistic guide English/Spanish I live in Quito, my main work area is around ...
After working many years in Tourism, we realized that quality of service is not just the knowledge ...
After few years leading groups, my goal is to show my country with accurate information, ...
I enjoy showing my Country . I customize every tour that visitors wants to do. I have been in this ...
I am a Naturalist Guide in Cotopaxi National Park, Quilotoa Lake, Ilinizas MT, Cuyabeno ...
He dedicado los últimos años de mi vida a organizar viajes por Ecuador con servicio personalizado ...
Soy guía local del Parque Nacional Cotopaxi por más de 8 años, me gusta compartir las costumbres ...
A tour guide from 1998 specialize cultural cities and outdoors sports skill Wafa advanced ...
I am a experience guide with families and couples. I love make your tour easy, safe, amazing ...
I like to show my country especially in antHropological and social way, it is my passion, also I ...
Are you traveling and looking forward to explore Ecuador as your next destination? The best option ...
I am a professional graduated in tourism with specialization in national guide of tourism, trained ...
Hello my dear travelers, my name is Edwin, I am a National Tourism Guide from Ecuador, I like ...
Hello everyone! I am Ricardo Davila, I am Ecuadorian born in Ecuador and I would love to be your ...
Just a hair's breadth on the map south of Quito, where the air is thin and the high plains of the Andes Mountains unfold to form the very roof of Ecuador, the majestic, snow-plumed peak of Cotopaxi peeks through the clouds. Around it is surely one of the most dramatic and awesome landscapes in all South America. Bare and barren flats are punctuated by the occasion cone of other mighty mountains such as the Ruminawi and Sincholagua, llamas, wild ponies and the occasional bear are the only company you will find, and rock-spotted grasslands are the bridge between the foreground and the horizon. Now a protected reserve, there are dedicated Cotopaxi National Park tour guides who can help organize climbing excursions to the summit (it's actually one of the most popular and accessible climes in the Ecuadorian Andes). Other than the otherworldly views to enjoy, there are also the lower-altitude trails around Laguna de Limpiopungo to hike.
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