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Lake Ohrid

Useful Information & Tips

Tourist Excursions & Info - OHRID, Macedonia

Tour Guide, Ohrid, Macedonia

| 3 mins read

Welcome to Paradise dear people 

It could be said that you are one of the few luckiest people in the world which has the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful piece of land here in Ohrid. The excellent climate conditions, the attractive surrounding region with its rich natural but also cultural and historical heritage, makes Ohrid a place that must be seen. Since 1979 & 1980 Lake Ohrid and Ohrid were recognized as a world natural and cultural UNESCO heritage site. Lake Ohrid is a story itself that`s why some interesting info will be placed in another Lake Ohrid article. It`s one of the oldest & deepest natural lakes in the world, by the Baikal lake in Russia, Tanganjika and Malavi lakes in Africa and the Titicaca lake in South America. The last research confirms that the lake is 4-10 million years old. It is 293 m deep, it`s 31,8 km long and 14,5 width. It is 695 ma.s.l and beside the old age, the lake succeeds to preserve some plant and animal species in unchanged form since the period of tertiary. It`s also called "a museum of living fossils" and Ohrid lake have a great degree of endemicity with various type of wildlife forms. More about it in the other article.

Useful Information & Tips


Try always to use a company car/ Never make a deal or answer where are you going to. Always ask to start the taximeter so that you cannot be tricked.

Usually, in Ohrid, there aren`t a lot of taxi scammers, but as everywhere where is very crowdy and in the tourist places. You should be very careful.

There are a lot of good and honest taxi companies in Ohrid, so you can find them online or here.

If you have some issue or some problem with some taxi driver or he is trying to trick or steal, just look his car number and company name, and call in front of him if possible and inform the taxi center about the issue.


In Ohrid and Macedonia in general, pickpocketing is not a serious problem and it`s a very rare type of crime here. Of course, during the summer season in Ohrid because of the big amount of tourist visiting the city, stealing and pickpocketing are increasing as a crime. So, it is not something that you should be scared of or get worried, but like everywhere better to take some precautionary measures for good safety and calm holiday.

Never leave your personal documents and items in your apartment/villa/room.

Documents such as: 



Credit/debit cards

Valuable items 

Always keep them with you. All the time they should be with you and this also means about your cash if you have it. Like I mentioned in percentage the degree of crime, especially in Ohrid is very low and generally, and you shouldn't be worried about.

To be continued.