Guatemala is a word that comes from the Nahuatl language from Mexico; the Mexican warriors who came with the Spanish named "Quauhtemallan" to Guatemala in its native language. They were allied, translators, guides for the Spanish by the XVI century in Guatemala and the rest of Mesoamerica. The meaning of "Quahtemallan" is land trees. Most of the villages from Guatemala have a Nahuatl name but we must know them too that have its translation in Maya Kiche and Maya Kaqchikel. The Mexican warriors, Tlaxcaltecas, Cholulas, Mixtecas, Zapotecas, Otomies, Quauhquecholtecas, etc. named the most of the names in Nahuatl in Guatemala; these warriors defeated the natives' tribes from Guatemala the "Maya" Kiche and "Maya Kaqchikel" and other more