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The Gem in the Western Tourism Circuit in Kenya


Tour Guide, Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya

| 3 mins read

Kenya’s western tourist circuit is referred to as the country’s “best-kept secret” because of the presence of natural and cultural attractions that have not been exploited for the development of various forms of sustainable tourism. The circuit is home to historical and archeological sites; caves, freshwater bodies including L. Victoria; inland beaches, tropical rain forest, indigenous forest ecosystems, wetland ecosystems, hills and mountains, islands, waterfalls, national parks and game reserves, nature conservancies, museums and diverse cultures, among others. Despite the presence of these treasures, the destination is one of the least competitive in tourism as most tourists to Kenya prefer coastal beaches and selected protected areas.

The different unique sites include

  • Lakes and Major Rivers

L. Victoria (Kisumu, Homa Bay, Siaya, Busia) L. Kanyaboli (Siaya), L. Simbi Nyaima (Homa Bay),L. Sare (Siaya), Nzoia River (Bungoma, Busia, Nandi, Trans-Nzoia) Yala River (Nandi, Vihiga, Siaya), River Sondu Miliu (Kisumu, Nyamira), River Kuja (Nyamira, Kisii, Migori).

  • Beaches

  • Several beaches are located on the shores of L. Victoria, including Dunga, Kanyagweng, Usenge, Miyandhe, Asat, Bao, Asembo Bay, Homa Bay Beach, Wich Lum, Ogal, Usoma, and MuhuruBay.

  • Wetlands

  • Yala Swamp and L. Kanyaboli (Siaya); Kingwal Swamp (Nandi), Saiwa Swamp (TransNzoia), Dunga Beach and wetland

  • Forests

  • Kakamega Forest (Kakamega), Malava Forest (Kakamega), Kibiri Forest (Vihiga); Gwasi Hills Forest (Homa Bay), Wire and Kodera Hills Forests (Homa Bay); Cherangany Hills Forest, Mt Elgon Forest (Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia); Mbaga Hill Forest (Siaya), Tinderet Forest (Nandi), Kimondi Forest (Nandi), Nandi North and South Forests (Nandi)

  • Mountains, Hills and Escarpments

  • Mt. Elgon (Bungoma, Trans-Nzoia), Homa Hills (Homa Bay), Usenge Hill (Siaya), Sega Hill (Homa Bay), Maragoli Gills (Vihiga), Nyabondo Plateau (Kisumu), Chelangany Hills (Trans-Nzoia), Gwasi Hills (Homa Bay), Nandi Rock (Nandi), Got Ramogi and g Got Abiero Hills (Siaya), Riat and Kisian Hills (Kisumu), Kaptumek Nandi Escarpment.

  • Caves and Rocks

  • Mungoma Caves (Vihiga), Got Abindu Caves and Rocks (Kisumu), Kapsetany Community Caves (Trans-Nzoia), Mwibale Rock, Menjeywo Caves (Nandi), Kiti-Mikay Rock (Kisumu), Mt. Elgon Caves (Trans-Nzoia), Sangalo Twin Rock (Bungoma), The “Crying” stone of Ilesi (Kakamega)

  • Historical/Cultural/Archeology sites/ Museums

  • Thim-Lich Ohinga (Migori), Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Mausoleum, Koitalel Museum, Kisumu Museum, Kitale Museum, Tiriki Community Shrines, Nganyi Community Shrines(Weather forecasting)

  • Protected areas (National Parks, Game Reserves, Sanctuaries

  • Mt. Elgon National Park (Bungoma and Trans-Nzoia), Ruma National Park (Homa Bay), Ndere Island National Park (Kisumu), Impala Sanctuary (Kisumu)

  • Waterfalls

  • Webuye Falls (Bungoma), Tindinyo Falls (Nandi), Sidindi Water Falls (Bungoma), Chepkiit Waterfalls, Gogo Falls (Migori)

  • Islands

  • Mfangano and Rusinga Islands (Homa Bay), Migingo Island, Ndere Island (Kisumu)

These hidden treasures provide a lot of opportunities for the development of various forms of sustainable tourism in general and ecotourism in particular. However, the natural and cultural capital has not been optimally exploited for the development of ecotourism, and therefore, the entire circuit is still lagging in various types of tourism. The circuit has not been adequately branded and marketed as a destination for ecotourism and sustainable tourism. There is, therefore, an urgent need to make the circuit visible to local communities and the international community to stimulate various forms of sustainable tourism. Both public and private sector agencies have major roles to play in promoting ecotourism and other forms of sustainable tourism in the region. Both national and county governments are expected to play facilitative roles, while private sector agencies and the local communities are expected to implement actual programmes and projects that are informed by different