In Central Scotland the skies always seem to be busy and not just with the landing lights of jets on their way into our airports. To quote one Falkirk Triangle alien abductee, “They’re here and they’re [still] coming here!”Modern tales of UFO close encounters in Scotland really begin with the ‘Robert Taylor Incident, ’ which took place in 1979 at Dechmont woods near Livingston. Later recorded by the Police as a criminal assault by an unknown or alien entity, a forester working in the area was accosted at night by a UFO as it was scouting over his area of the wood. Several similar incidents were to follow in this central region of Scotland, stretching from Stirling to Falkirk and back to the southern fringes of Edinburgh, which has now become known as ‘The Falkirk Triangle’. These and similar incidents present the most incredible but true story of alien activity ever recorded on this planet and are still going on. Below is a sampling of just some of these ‘incidents’:
(1) 1989, Bonnybridge, near Shieldhill, Scotland: In a well-witnessed UFO sighting, a fire crew were attending a blaze at Gradrum Moss, when a red object appeared to be hovering in the distance. It came towards the fire engine and then flew off. A second object suddenly appeared, it was white and hovered above Loch Ellrig at about eight metres from the witnesses. This unknown object then rushed towards them before veering away at the last moment. Then, a third object was also seen passing overhead.
(2) At the northern edge of the triangle, four miles west of Falkirk, lies the town of Bonnybridge, later to be dubbed the ‘UFO capital of the world’ with more than 600 sightings made between 1992 to 1994 by its inhabitants. Over the next five years, from 1992 to 1997, Cllr. William Buchanan of Falkirk District Council wrote several letters to both Prime Minister John Major and Prime Minister Tony Blair voicing his concerns and those of his constituents, also writing to Prime Minister David Cameron in 2010. He told Mr Blair in October 1997: "I have tried to get an answer for the people and have been ridiculed for it."The MoD responded that it was "satisfied that there is no evidence that the United Kingdom's airspace might have been compromised by hostile or unauthorised foreign military activity" and that it had "limited interest in UFOs".Some of the witness accounts at Bonnybridge, however, bear further investigation, and here are a few:
On 12th November 1991, at around 9.30pm, two photographers were taking photographs of the BP chemicals plant in Grangemouth (from Polmont Reservoir). There they noticed two small, dimly flashing lights over by the two 'flashing pylons' at Kincardine Bridge. They watched as the object, which they presumed was a helicopter, fly slowly over from the bridge to above the brightly lit Grangemouth Stadium, where it hovered silently for about five minutes. The 'craft' wasn't making any noise. At roughly 2,000 feet above the ground, it suddenly dipped and increased in speed, coming to about 200 to 300 feet directly above the witnesses. The object was emitting a quiet, “pulsing hum.”
Since a motorist first reported seeing a star-shaped UFO in 1992 at Bonnybridge, the village has become known as the ‘UFO capital of Scotland’ and some have claimed that it is the best place anywhere in the world to see UFOs, with a reported 300 sightings a year.
On19th January 1994, at around 7.00pm in the town of Larbert near Bonnybridge: An 18-second film was taken by a bystander of a mysterious white light that had earlier been seen keeping pace with a car. There were six witnesses to this encounter, with the film also showing the white light emitting a smaller, secondary white light.
There have also been stories of embolden locals in their cars chasing UFOs south, down the motorway.
(3) On 27th August 1992, further south into the ‘triangle’ area of this UFO hotspot, on the A70 road that travels through West Lothian: Garry Wood and Colin Wright didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary to occur when they set out on that eventful and terrifying night, but were intercepted while in their vehicle by an alien ship (like the one in the attached Hennessey photograph) near the Harperrig reservoir. After a mysterious gap of missing ‘time’ where they succumbed to intrusive alien technology, both men realised that they had been lifted up on board this spaceship and were later transported to an underground cavern system. We are also told that this close encounter did not end that night. Colin Wright remembers desperately trying to convince his abductors that he did not want to be left frozen and naked in a glass jar, stored amongst many other frozen people in a cavern lined wall-to-wall with glass jars.
(4) Meanwhile, in September 1996, further north and slightly east of the Falkirk triangle, in a place called ‘Newton of Falkland’ near Falkland in Fife: An Airforce family begins to tell their own stories of close encounters, where they observe fields full of ant-like aliens or Greys that appear to be swarming about making nests out of saliva and the local hay crop, and who later see tall white entities, possibly in charge, teleporting down from a stadium-sized black triangle hovering overhead through an array of bizarre lights. This is generally regarded as one of the world’s most shocking alien mass landings.
(5) In 1999, nearer to Edinburgh, about 15 miles south of the capital, at an old ex-coal mining town called Gorebridge: With fellow ufologist, cameraman and eye-witness, Jackie Gillies, we (Gillies and Hennessey) brokered the news from that year forward that the entire town seemed to be under some sort of alien siege. Built on hard evidence of miles of footage, multiple witness accounts and local media coverage, it did seem that the establishment were going to investigate. Ultimately, however, the local MP decided to avoid this issue, no doubt due to the hysteria that this likely would have caused. For more on this, see the following article in the Journal of Abduction Research:
Some of the Gorebridge images are of a dome-shaped UFO taking off. Similarly, several are of highly designed UFOs that could have been from some B-Movie, complete with black helicopters and aliens on foot with technological devices.
There is also footage of two or three unmanned glowing aerial vehicles or orbs rising up from the Gorebridge fields and buzzing a low-flying 737 jet on its way into Edinburgh Airport. The pilots appear to have reported this to air traffic control, as did we, but mysteriously this report was not passed on to the MoD.
There are also daylight pictures taken by myself of strange glowing devices flying around the houses and fields at Gorebridge, where I also captured an alarming image of an alien on someone’s roof, their presence being far too close for comfort.
The Gillies footage at Gorebridge also includes that of large ethereal containers coming up through the fields – presumably connected in some way to the old coalmine workings under this local hotspot.
(6) Near Stirling, at the north of the Falkirk Triangle, from around the year 2000 onwards, there has been outstanding UFO footage taken. In 2008, for instance, prolific UFO film-cameraman Brian McPhee filmed a black chopper circling a downed alien-looking device while two or three UFOs kept a discrete distance in the background below the clouds. He and others have subsequently filmed many alien-looking ships of all sizes in the skies around Stirling during the past 20 years.The above are just a sampling of the many incidents that have happened and of images taken, but why now? Indeed, TV companies have been trying to debunk the reported alien presence in the Falkirk Triangle area for many hears with the usual unreasonableness of such dismissals, but undoubtedly fail:
The story in 1998 of Mrs Bonnetti from Bonnybridge, however, is just one example of how much some people really do pay attention and how they won’t be persuaded otherwise. She had noticed that every Thursday night at the same time when she was doing her ironing she could see a small black triangle hovering above her neighbour’s house and then one Thursday night she decided to film this ongoing event with a camcorder. The news got out when she made her footage public, and not just locally but elsewhere, too. So much so, that Dr Steven Greer of ‘Exopolitics’ fame (a controversial and powerful UFO interest group) flew into Scotland from the US on a borrowed private jet, quickly leaving with the only copy of the footage, no doubt due to his high profile. Only later, under pressure, was the film returned to its rightful owner in Scotland.
Where does modern mystery meets ancient history?
Not alone in our quest, Mentorn TV, an independent TV production company based in both London and Glasgow, have also asked, “Have aliens invaded Scotland?” which is where I, once again, come in. As an historian of UFO phenomena and a folklorist of ancient mysteries, as well as a gatherer of all things related, I can answer this question with a resounding ‘yes’. It is possible and in fact is probable that aliens are here, and quite likely that they have been here for a very long time, hanging out in underground caverns amongst the older stable rocks of our planet (e.g. within the Lewisian gneiss, an outcrop of Precambrian metamorphic rocks in north-western Scotland), thereby left relatively undisturbed by earthquakes and man since ancient times.When we look into Scotland’s rich folklore, for instance, as collected by the Reverend Kirk in his ‘Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Faeries’, first published in 1691 or in John Gregorson Campbell’s ‘Superstitions of the Highlands’ published in 1900 or in Mary Macleod Banks’ epic four-volume 1937 collection called ‘British Calendar Customs’, we hear collected anecdotes from the locals of previous centuries and with that, their long and often complex association with non-human beings who were not necessarily very nice. Below I quote one such story, told in song:A traditional Highland Faerie LullabyThis song is based on an old Celtic belief that an unattended baby could be stolen away by the "wee folk", the fairies. Sometimes, moreover, a ‘changeling’ or supernatural being in human form would be left in its place: I left my baby lying here,Lying here, lying here,I left my baby lying hereTo go and gather blaeberries. Chorus:Hovan, hovan gorry og o,Gorry og o, gorry o go,Hovan, hovan gorry o go,I never found my baby, O!I heard the curlew crying far,Crying far, crying far,I heard the curlew crying farBut never heard my baby, O!When reviewing these and other similar historic stories and songs passed down to us from the past, it can be said with a high degree of certainty that the people of Scotland have within their collective memory a profound history of ancient alien abduction.
(7) What is less known, however, is that connected to the area known as the ‘Falkirk Triangle’ is also a secret history within the ancient folklore tradition of faeries and abductions:
The West Lothian coal-mining town of Blackridge, formerly called ‘black rigg’: According to folklorist MM Banks, ‘black rigg’ was a strip of farmland or ‘rigg’ from medieval times abandoned or set aside for use by the faeries or, as some thought, by the devil. This former coal-mining town also reported many modern abductions in the 1990s. Around this time, moreover, a former GCHQ expert, who had previously worked at Menwith Hill HQ, reported seeing some sort of exotic looking military communication aerial protruding from one of the huts located here.HISTORICALLY, the Falkirk Triangle has shown itself to be a mysterious place steeped in its own history of paranormal and supernatural activity, creating ample opportunities for great, fun days out, whether exploring scenes where the unusual happened or satisfying the curiosity of more serious paranormal sleuths with fine detail from another world or mysteries from this:
(8) Folklore connected to the Falkirk Triangle also speaks of last battles and the eventual death of its most famous early Christian king, King Arthur, in around 540 AD, where at Camelon by ‘pagan forces’ he died, i.e. by the hand of Mordred, who in Arthurian lore was a notorious traitor and alleged to be King Arthur’s illegitimate son:
In the old text called ‘The Book of Glasgow Cathedral’ there is a quote from the Medieval historian, Nennius, circa 800 AD, which gives Central Scotland as the place where King Arthur fought his last battles. He is said to have fallen to the forces of Mordred at Camelon, a town just south of Bonnybridge and west of Falkirk, where the victorious forces were said to have then built a big beehive-like stone structure over the place of his demise.
Long connected with Biblical prophesy, it is thought that this structure was assembled to illustrate or restate in some way the Old Testament prophesy of Samson to the Philistines, “Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness” (Judg. 14:14). And to paraphrase this quote as applied in this context, “Out of the strong (Christian), but dead Arthurian line of David comes forth the sweet honey of the industrious worker bees from the competing line of Dan (Mordred).” Historically this prophesy or riddle has also been used to allude to the existence of anti-Christian conspiracies by the ‘lost’ tribe of Dan. In later millennia the House of David and the House of Dan were said to be intertwined in what has been called the ‘Merovingian Conspiracy’. No ordinary place, therefore, is the ‘Falkirk Triangle’.
Historically this area of Scotland has long been a stage for statements of power, principalities and dominion.
The ancient stone hive structure over the spot of King Arthur’s alleged demise is not here today, having been gradually assimilated into local buildings and infrastructure. However, from the heights of the local and wonderful Falkirk Wheel—a spectacular feat of modern Scottish engineering that links the Forth, Clyde and Union canal networks—a view of the ancient Arthurian battleground can indeed be seen.
(9) Not very far from the town of Camelon is another of Scotland’s most epic and new, massive monuments called the ‘Kelpies’. The name is inspired by the fearsome, abducting Celtic water-horses of Highland lore, depicted in this metal sculpture by two giant, twisted horse heads rearing up out of the earth. In its modern sense it is no doubt a monument to the spirited Shire horses that kept the network of barges moving in the 19th Century, but it also casts a furtive backward glance to its more ancient and darker past as seen by the eerie sight at night of these equine spirits rising up into the soft glow of blue-lit fields, challenging motorists to look up from their mundane task of driving home.
(10) The Romans once had a fortified turf wall built across Central Scotland called the ‘Antonine wall’, created in approximately 150 AD. Much of its east side can still be seen near Falkirk and Bo’ness. Along the way, as it continued to exist through the Middle Ages and transversed the Falkirk Triangle, it picked up the nickname ‘Gryme’s dyke’, not just because of an association with Clan Graham who stem from the earlier ‘Graemes’, but because ‘Graeme' in some parts of Scotland is a nickname for the devil, and Gryme's Dyke would thus be the ‘Devil's Dyke’. The mystical Scots do seem to have had a penchant for unhappy spiritual warfare, as can be seen by the deification of the serpent by many of its northern tribes. What is certain, however, is that the Romans never conquered the Caledonian or Scottish tribes north of the Antonine wall, where in the end good forces have proven also to be hard at work.
(11) Some of the most extraordinary Celtic Saints heralded from the Dark Ages of Scotland and were reported to have supernatural gifts and powers: One such saint was Cuthbert, born not far from Melrose Abbey around 635 AD. He would witness angelic lights, visions of souls and other celestial phenomena in the skies, eventually summoning him south to his calling as Prior and then Bishop of Lindisfarne Priory in Northumbria, a kingdom in Northern England, but always preferring the hermit’s life.
(12) The appearance of one of the world’s first recorded ‘chemtrails’ took place in 823 AD, clearly not made by mechanical or man-made chemical means: A white cross suddenly became emblazoned across an azure blue sky after prayer, signifying for the Scots that they would win the battle of Athelstaneford and that St Andrew would be their Patron from that time forward. And so it came to be that St Andrew’s cross flag would become the flag of Scotland, inspired by this amazing event in the sky just a few miles southeast of Edinburgh.
(13) Just north of Falkirk but south of Stirling is the field of the Battle of Bannockburn, where in 1314 AD the mysterious glowing relics of the Scottish X-files Saint, St Fillan, are said to have materialised for the Scots to aid victory in battle.
(14) Many people still come from all over the world to connect up the secretive landmarks alluded to in Dan Brown’s ‘Da Vinci Code’, from Rosslyn chapel in the south to the alleged secret hiding places of various objects, including most famously, the Holy Grail or Cup, seeking out such places as ‘Ladies Rock’, a knoll in the cemetery to the south of Stirling Castle. These artefacts were traditionally curated by the secretive Scottish ‘Star Temple’ or Stella Templum.Their insignia is the silver or argent Templar eight-pointed ‘Maltese cross’ on a dark blue field, these colours denoting to the informed their spiritual calling.
(15) One more interesting fact about the ‘Falkirk UFO Triangle’, which has to get the money-minded at the very least curious, is that the area also goes under another name. It is called the ‘Golden Circle’ after the abundance of National Lottery winners in this area of Scotland!
Is there some ancient connection between history and mythology, between land use of the Falkirk Triangle to the alien-looking events that are unfolding before our very eyes here today, on the ground, under it and in the skies?Is there some sort of timeless pageant or battle being waged between beings of Light and beings of Darkness within this same mysterious Falkirk Triangle? The answers can be as mysterious as the events themselves, ever being reshaped and retold. However, with UFO and paranormal activity often in plain view for the naked eye on any given day or night in this area it is always best to come equipped with at least a camera ... and probably some rainwear!Obviously we cannot guarantee you your own personal ‘close encounter’ if you come and tour with us at Stargate Edinburgh Tours, but you are more likely to see alien activity in the Falkirk Triangle than anywhere else on the planet according to the many media reports and footage available, and that is where we will take you.‘”It was an exciting afternoon !!”Christoph Scheuermann, May 2016, Der Spiegel News, Germany, on the Stargate Edinburgh - Bonnybridge Tour.
There will always be skepticism, or the attitude of ‘doubt’, comes from both fear of the unknown and being too complacent with what is known, i.e. preferring a given rational answer. As far as the skeptics go—even today, there are still books coming out with new theories about past incidents, theories more bizarre than the reality of an alien encounter. An example is the Robert Taylor incident, where it is claimed that this Dechmont woods forester had not really been accosted by aliens but had come into contact with psycho-active chemicals from a locked reservoir store room or had some sort of medical condition resulting in hallucinations or yet again, had ingested psycho-active fungi growing in the woods. And the list goes on—he had really witnessed the planet Venus magnified by an atmospheric lens or alternatively, had actually witnessed a piezoelectric plasma fireball discharge from locally magnetised rocks or on a ridiculously mundane level, had really only seen a local water tower being illuminated by passing motorway traffic. The scepticism associated with alien encounters is as jaw-dropping as the phenomena itself. The many people, however, who are still posting images of alien activity within the Falkirk Triangle are ably showing that their inorganic camera chips are not just hallucinating.
A government cover-up?
In 2009 the Ministry of Defence in the UK closed its UFO desk. A briefing found in the UFO policy file DEFE 24/2458/1, dated 11 November 2009 and prepared for Defence Minister Bob Ainsworth by Carl Mantell of the RAF’s Air Command, recommended that:
[The MoD] should seek to reduce very significantly the UFO task which is consuming increasing resource, but produces no valuable defence output.’Ainsworth was subsequently briefed that in more than 50 years‘…no UFO sighting reported to [the MoD] has ever revealed anything to suggest an extra-terrestrial presence or military threat to the UK [and] there is no defence benefit in [MoD] recording, collating, analysing or investigating UFO sightings.’‘….investigations into UFO sightings, even from more reliable sources, serve no useful purpose and merely divert air defence specialists from their primary tasks. Accordingly, no further investigations should be carried out into UFO reports received from any source.’Although no longer on the Government’s radar, UFO sightings persist in being captured and recorded on the people’s radar, namely, through cameras, phones and on ‘social media’, and although these events can still be denied, they cannot be denied with the same integrity sceptics once had, there are just too many of them—aliens that is!Thus, it may be that faeries have not disappeared at all, but are simply wearing silver suits in this modern day and age, but what is certain is that Scotland has not ceased to be a place of myth, magic and mystery, with the Falkirk Triangle being a true reflection of this reality.