The Eternal Icon
The eternal icon that was created by nature, God and the universe.
According to the legend told about one of the most beautiful and grandiouse Balkan mountain in Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania - Sar Mountain or The Priest's Hat name that is connected with religion and spiritualism is also connected with face profile appearing in one of the sides of the mountain.
The mistery of a human face created by nature.
Creations are often touching testimonies of One who is God.
The unknown is still far from this moment but analyzing this profile and feeling all the power of the creator you will notice that this profile is the face of Mother Teresa!
Here we see a yearing for that pure and innocent beauty reflected in the icon of Saint Mother Teresa.
The living icon of love. Showing her face, her glory and grace just before becoming a saint.
This is nothing other than a confirmation of the words of St.Paul who in his letter to the Romans wrote:
"Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made"(Rom 1:20). Accordingly the icon was seen as a joyful testimony of the innate goddness of the material world (cf Gen 1:1-28) and its potential capacity to reflect the divine. And it was for this reason that icons were seen as fitting recipients of Christian respect and veneration in so far as they could lead the faithful into presence of the divine.
Aphrodite Tafil