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St. Catherine Monastery

The Chapel of the Holy Bush

Mount Sinai-Egypt

Tour Guide, Cairo, Egypt

| 1 mins read

The Chapel of the Holy Bush is the oldest shrine in St. Catherine Monastery. This was the site where the community of anchorites gathered. The chapel was mentioned by Egeria who came to the place in 383-384 AC. According to the fathers of the church, the burning bush continues to be in flames without being consumed by it. It was a type prefiguration of the holy Theotokos who bore within her the fire of the Godhead without being consumed and remained virgin after Christ’s birth. The chapel has no iconostasis ion separating the holy table from the rest of the chapel. Four columns support the holy table. The apse above the holy table is decorated with mosaics and is simple in design. The walls are decorated with white and blue tiles and covered with beautiful icons.