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The Aspect Development

Anthony Abraham

Tour Guide, Arusha, Tanzania

| 4 mins read

Development is defined by various Scholars as a Comperative Advantage that a society has . There is no Human society that is stagnant, all societies are developing in differed levels. We have Nations that are highly developed and developing very fast considered as Developed Nations and Nations that are least Developed and developing at a very slow pace called the Developing Nations. The main aspect or factor for Development is the level of scentific and technological growth. Science is abstract knowledge and technology is Applied Knowledge.

The Level of Scientific and Technological growth is  an important factor for the growth of any nation. Also the Productive forces and Productive Relations are crucial for and Developmental growth.Today we have many disparatives attributes by many factors being Economical, Social, Political and Cultural Values. Africa is considered the Third World Or Underdeveolped because of many factors though Africa is a land with the high richness in Natural resources. Africa has the highest potential of untapped Natural resources but is considered a Poor Continent. 

The Human Development has passed various Developmental Stages. 

Firstly the Old stone Age where by humankind used primitive stone tools and lived in small comunities. using  primitive tools.this can be Evidenttl seen in places or Historic sites such as Olduvai Gorge, Engaruka and Laetoli today such tools are evident in Museums and Historic Site in many area as few mentioned.

Secondly the Middle Stone Age, here humankind had improved and much better stone tools. and started living in bigger comunities. And, at this age, Fire was discovered and improved the lifestyle and enable better livelihood.

Thirdly the New Stone Age, here mankind had discovered better tools. Also the use of fire helped in making Iron and metal Tool. the improved the lifestyle. here Large communities were formed.

Forthly came Slavery. Slavery was attributed to the lel of Sceintific and technological method used in farming and Production. But with improvements in Science and technology, lead to use in machines in farming and production. Tractors and improved production modes and  humanitarian grounds led to the abolition of Slavery. Machine power replaced manpower needs. 

Then came Colonisation, with improved mechnization, led to the Agrarian and Industrial Revolution. This forced nations with high Industrial Power to colonise weak nations to be in a position to aquire markets and sources of raw materials. This brought confict between Big powers leading to Waras World War One and World War two. As science and Technology improved this lead to spread nations growing. Thus at present, we have many countries with different levels of Growth.

Lastly came Neo Colonisation, this is an Advanced Stage. with high Sceintific and Technological Growth. The conficting issue being machinery and High Techonolgical improvement reducing the need of manpower in production process. Robots and high tech machine heavily replacing manpower need.

Development is a Wide Perspective, and communities differ in the level of growth. Different societies are at different stages in the development stages. There are many factors but in a nutshell the Human development has passed in various different Modes .

Today travellers travelling in Africa or any other part of the World will have an opportunity to see various historical evidences in Mankind and Human Development. This topic is Vast!

Education also is a Great Tool for Development, As education can change a pastoralist to a Pilot, and it can also change a Street child to a Doctor, it can change a Fisherman to a Professor at Harvard University. I personally wanted Education to change Me to a University Professor but resources limited me though I still have that dream, Should I have Sponsorship for my Masters Degree!