Terezin (Theresienstadt) played an important role in "The Final Solution" of Jewish question by the Nazis.
Eighteenth century baroque fortress, built to protect Prague from Prussian invasion was converted into "Jewish settlement territory", yet in reality it was only a stop before gas chambers in Auschwitz and other extermination and labour camps.
There are many misrepresentations of the place, often it's being represented as a concentration camp and the whole monstrosity of the project is somewhat forgotten. Threre are many tour operators offering tours of Terezin but for schedule reasons always omit some important places in the location. Jewish tour operators frequently omit the Small Fortress as it was not primarily part of Jewish Settlement Territory, others will not take you to Magdeburg Barracks where the impressoin of the place is captured by the artist having to live there at the time. There is a crematorium outside of the walls camouflaged as a prayer room, furnished with four furnaces for ceramics, converted to burn bodies. Closure of which the war criminal Adolf Eichman, executed by Izraeli, used for his defence. The museum established after the war in former school still suffers from the communist past and is more concerned with holocaust as such than with the place itself. More accurate depiction of Terezin can be seen in Spanish synagogue in Prague although the exhibit there is very small. The list can go on. The place is about an hour driving distance from Prague and the operators usually have 5 hours trips including the drive