The Supramontes represent the wild heart of Sardinia, unknown to the Sardinians themselves. A vast territory, secluded, far from the centers and from state roads. Who crosses for laprima time the impression of being too, profondamentespaesato but also observed: expanses of limestone mountains and forests diquerce and junipers in the eye, small countries (Oliena Orgosolo Urzulei, Baunei and Dorgali), places at a safe distance. IlSupramonte with its 450 square kilometers of territory is unavastissima area where silence and the hard life pastoral past and present and are integral to the future. Cinquesupramonti of which are only a few areas, the sources of SuGologone, Grotta de su Bentu, the valley Lanaittu, Tiscali, Gorropu, Monte Novo San Giovanni, the Grotta del Bue Marino and the Delphic, Pedra longa, the abyss of Golgo some codule cheterminano sea "Cala Luna, Sisine, Fuili, and Baku Goloritze conil dizzying dell'aguglia monolith", the destination of an ever-increasing number of tourists and hikers of sportal "vertical".
Sovana, On Suercone, Costa Mammalùcas, Monte Oddeu Campu on Disterru, lavalle high of Flumineddu Orbisi, Costa Silana, and all places are present numerosegole lucky and silent outside the channels dimassa, hard to reach, very charming for naturalistae the lover of outdoor activities.
Isupramontes are also the realm of limestone, the rock prevalent chene characterizes the plains, the furrowed fields, the deep gorges, sinkholes, sinkholes and the dizzying cavity 'nell'insiemedanno that created one of the most interesting karst systems for glispeleologi Europe. The flora of the Supramonte and 'inpercentuale dominated by juniper and oak forests, many of which plurisecolari.Nella top of Flumineddu and' can admire alcuniesemplari rates and giant strawberry trees. At the foot green diquesti time travelers, meet extensive heathlands diprofumatissime blooms of peony mascula known as "Rosa and mountain." Among the fauna, especially in zonemarginali rupicole and away from dirt roads vivonoindisturbate numerous colonies of wild sheep, wild boar, fox and gattoselvatico Sardinian. But supramonte not only conceals uninestimabile and unique natural heritage and indeed 'the museum idealfor nuraghi, ancient villages, menhirs, until not under valutabileinteresse architecture of the latest pastoral fins, "Cuiles", true works of art, some only reachable soloattraverso daring and dizzying stairways juniper "fustes stairs", used for transhumance and timber cutting coal.