How and where? Are they big or not? are they poisonous? These are some of the most frequent questions that i have to answer when people have asked me for those amazing creatures. The answer provided by my person is always the same, Red eyed tree frogs along with Glass frogs are the diffucult ones. These frogs are just blind to us, their very green and clear skin colors is what make then hard to spot. The most important here is to be full of patience, sometimes to find one takes 5minutes, but it could go to more than 2 hours.
Walking close to rivers, small lakes, and swampy places is first, check underneath the big Heliconias, palm or banana leaves where they normally hide. Tree frogs are generally midium to large sized frogs, so, it won't be hard to see it if is asleep under the leaf.
Glass frogs, they requiere longer serch. River areas are recommended, must of them develop over those places. Wait for the night and sharp your hearing, sooner or later they will start with their Serenades and that's when you will see them.