Malang Raya
The areas of Malang is the city itself and the distric including Singosari and Lawang, and Batu city.
Malang was founded officialy in 1914 by the Dutch Administrative, but the residents themselves were already there when the Dutch Company first arrived in Malang since 1846. Malang has a long lost history and close-related of one greatest ancient kingdom in Indonesia, Majapahit Kingdom.
Malang is the second biggest city in East Java after Surabaya as the capital city. Malang is not only well known as educational and industrional city, but also famous in tourism. It is proved by the increasing visitors both domestic or international. A few tourist attraction that could be visited in the area of Malang is the oldest ice cream shop in Malang "Toko OEN", old bird market, traditional markets, tea plantation in Wonosari - Lawang, Coban Rondo waterfall in Batu, Ijen Boulevard, Malang Tempoe Doeloe Museum, Singosari temple, Jago temple, Kidal temple, Sumberawan temple and more. And the south beaches which bordering with Indian Ocean which has a lot of places to go such Sendang Biru beach with its Sempu Island and the lagoon, Goa Cina beach, Bajul Mati beach and there are more than 4 other beaches.