Langtang National Park, established in 1970, is the first Himalayan national park and also the country’s fourth protected area. This beautiful protected area lies in the north-west direction from the capital of the country, Kathmandu. Langtang National Park covers a total area of 1710 km square of the Himalayan districts of Nepal & exceeds the altitude of 6450m.
Langtang National Park, being naturally and culturally rich area, is Nepal’s third most preferred trekking destination of Nepal. The national park contains numerous towering mountains like Langtang Lirung, Langtang Ri, Dorje Lakpa, etc.
The park contains more than 180 high altitude lakes with their own religious significance including Gosaikunda, Pravatikunda, Bhairabkunda, Saraswati Kunda, etc. Gosaikunda is one of the most preferred holy places in this protecting area. During the month of August, thousands of devotees and adventure lovers visit this place. UNESCO has listed Gosaikunda in the Ramsar site on 27 September 2007.
The diverse vegetation is characterized by sal forest throughout the southern part of this region, whereas silver fir, hemlock, larch, Chirpine, Rhododendrons are major in lower sub-alpine zones. Different species of Rhododendrons like R. arboretum, R. barbatum, R. campanulatum & scrubs of R. lepidotum make the forests colourful.
Most of the villages inside this national park are Tamang villages who trace their origin in Tibet. The Tamang community reflects the culture and tradition from hundred years back. The art, craftmanship, prayer flags and wheels, beautifully carved windows and doors makes the villages unique.
Many endangered wild animals like Red Panda, Himalayan deer, and Himalayan Beer are native to this place. Containing different beautiful species of birds and butterflies, this place is also important for the study of birds and butterflies.