Few regions in Italy can actually boast such a varied cultural legacy: Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Normans, Swabians, Spanish,
Bourbons, not to mention the continuous barbarian and Saracen invasions. Magna Graecia and Byzantine Itineraries, Norman, Swabian, Aragonese castles and fortresses, restored over the centuries, not to mention the museums and the Calabrian territory, literally crammed with treasures and riches of the past, still waiting to be discovered and estimated.
Thanks to its mild climate, its almost entirely mountainous territory, yet completely surrounded by about 800 km of pristine beaches, it can meet any kind of leisure time requirements, both in winter as well as in summertime: mountain sports, excursions, water sports, etc...
Calabria offers its visitors possibly the best homemade cuisine, still based on ancient recipes and genuine dishes. This is the Calabria we love and would like to share with you...Welcome to Calabria!